Source code for TEMPy.protein.structure_blurrer

# =============================================================================
#     This file is part of TEMPy.
#     TEMPy is a software designed to help the user in the manipulation
#     and analyses of macromolecular assemblies using 3D electron microscopy
#     maps.
#     Copyright  2015 Birkbeck College University of London.
#     Authors: Maya Topf, Daven Vasishtan, Arun Prasad Pandurangan,
#     Irene Farabella, Agnel-Praveen Joseph, Harpal Sahota
#     This software is made available under GPL V3 license
#     Please cite your use of TEMPy in published work:
#     Farabella, I., Vasishtan, D., Joseph, A.P., Pandurangan, A.P., Sahota, H.
#     & Topf, M. (2015). J. Appl. Cryst. 48.
# =============================================================================
from collections import OrderedDict
import gc

import numpy as np
from scipy.fftpack import (
from scipy.ndimage import (

from TEMPy.maps.em_map import Map

[docs]class StructureBlurrer: """ A class to generate density maps using structure instances. Args: use_vc: If True, use an accelerated algorithm to calculate the map density when calling :meth:`gaussian_blur_real_space <TEMPy.protein.structure_blurrer.StructureBlurrer.gaussian_blur_real_space>`. Returns: A structure blurring object. """ def __init__(self, with_vc=False, locres=None): self.use_vc = False import os if with_vc or os.environ.get('BLUR_WITH_VC') is not None: try: __import__('voxcov') self.use_vc = True self._locres = locres except ImportError: print("voxcov not installed. Using standard blurring instead.")
[docs] def protMap( self, struct, apix, resolution=None, filename="None", ): """ Returns an Map instance sized and centred based on the atomic structure. Arguments: struct: Model structure instance. apix: Angstroms per pixel for the output Map. resolution: Target resolution of the output Map. filename: Filename for Map instance - if it is saved. Returns: :class:`Map <TEMPy.maps.em_map.Map>` instance: Map full of zeros with a shape sufficient to encompass the protein in struct. """ # Build empty template map based on the size of the protein and the # resolution. extr = struct.get_extreme_values() if resolution is not None: edge = np.array(2 * resolution / apix, dtype=int) + 4 else: edge = 10 x_size = int((extr[1] - extr[0]) / apix[0]) + edge[0] y_size = int((extr[3] - extr[2]) / apix[1]) + edge[1] z_size = int((extr[5] - extr[4]) / apix[2]) + edge[2] # Origin calculated such that the centre of the map is the centre of # mass of the protein. half_x = max(struct.CoM.x - extr[0], extr[1] - struct.CoM.x) if half_x < (apix[0] * x_size / 2.0): half_x = apix[0] * x_size / 2.0 x_origin = struct.CoM.x - half_x - edge[0] * apix[0] # apj: if com is not near the geometric centre of protein x_size = int(half_x * 2.0 / apix[0] + 2 * edge[0]) # apj: if com is not near the geometric centre of protein half_y = max(struct.CoM.y - extr[2], extr[3] - struct.CoM.y) if half_y < (apix[1] * y_size / 2.0): half_y = (apix[1] * y_size / 2.0) y_origin = struct.CoM.y - half_y - edge[1] * apix[1] y_size = int(half_y * 2.0 / apix[1] + 2 * edge[1]) # apj: if com is not near the geometric centre of protein half_z = max(struct.CoM.z - extr[4], extr[5] - struct.CoM.z) if half_z < (apix[2] * z_size / 2.0): half_z = apix[2] * z_size / 2.0 z_origin = struct.CoM.z - half_z - edge[2]*apix[2] z_size = int(half_z * 2.0 / apix[2] + 2 * edge[2]) newMap = np.zeros((z_size, y_size, x_size)) fullMap = Map(newMap, [x_origin, y_origin, z_origin], apix, filename) return fullMap
[docs] def protMapBox( self, struct, apix, resolution, box_size_x, box_size_y, box_size_z, filename, ): """ Create a Map instance sized and centered based on the atomic structure. Arguments: struct: model Structure instance. apix: Angstroms per pixel for the output Map. resolution: the resolution, in Angstroms, to blur the protein to. box_size_x: x dimension of output map box in Angstroms. box_size_y: y dimension of output map box in Angstroms. box_size_z: z dimension of output map box in Angstroms. filename: output name of the map file, if it is saved. Returns: :class:`Map <TEMPy.maps.em_map.Map>` instance: Empty map (full of zeros) with size as specified and origin centred on the protein model in struct. """ # Build empty template map based on the size of the protein and the # resolution. x_size = int(box_size_x) y_size = int(box_size_y) z_size = int(box_size_z) # Origin calculated such that the centre of the map is the centre of # mass of the protein. x_origin = struct.CoM.x - (apix[0] * x_size / 2.0) y_origin = struct.CoM.y - (apix[1] * y_size / 2.0) z_origin = struct.CoM.z - (apix[2] * z_size / 2.0) newMap = np.zeros((z_size, y_size, x_size)) fullMap = Map(newMap, [x_origin, y_origin, z_origin], apix, filename) return fullMap
[docs] def mapGridPosition(self, densMap, atom): """Finds the index of an atom in a Map instance, and the atom's mass. Arguments: densMap: :class:`Map <TEMPy.maps.em_map.Map>` instance the atom is to be placed on. atom: :class:`Atom <TEMPy.protein.prot_rep_biopy.Atom>` instance. Returns: int, int, int, float: x, y, z index for atom and its mass. """ origin = densMap.origin apix = densMap.apix box_size = densMap.box_size() x_pos = int(round((atom.x - origin[0]) / apix[0], 0)) y_pos = int(round((atom.y - origin[1]) / apix[1], 0)) z_pos = int(round((atom.z - origin[2]) / apix[2], 0)) # MODIFIED BY PAP if( (box_size[2] > x_pos >= 0) and (box_size[1] > y_pos >= 0) and (box_size[0] > z_pos >= 0) ): return x_pos, y_pos, z_pos, atom.mass else: return 0
[docs] def mapGridPositions_vdw(self, densMap, atom, gridtree): """ Returns the index of the nearest pixel to an atom, and atom mass (4 values in list form). Arguments: *densMap* Map instance the atom is to be placed on. *atom* Atom instance. """ origin = densMap.origin apix = densMap.apix x_pos = int(round((atom.x - origin[0]) / apix[0], 0)) y_pos = int(round((atom.y - origin[1]) / apix[1], 0)) z_pos = int(round((atom.z - origin[2]) / apix[2], 0)) if( (densMap.x_size() > x_pos >= 0) and (densMap.y_size() > y_pos >= 0) and (densMap.z_size() > z_pos >= 0) ): # search all points withing 1.5sigma list_points = gridtree.query_ball_point( [ atom.x, atom.y, atom.z, ], atom.vdw ) return list_points, (x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) else: print('Warning, atom out of map box') return [], ()
[docs] def maptree(self, densMap, strmap=None): """ Returns the KDTree of coordinates from a map grid. Arguments: *densMap* Map instance the atom is to be placed on. """ origin = densMap.origin apix = densMap.apix nz, ny, nx = densMap.fullMap.shape # convert to real coordinates zg, yg, xg = np.mgrid[0:nz, 0:ny, 0:nx] # to get indices in real coordinates zg = zg * apix[2] + origin[2] + apix[2] / 2.0 yg = yg * apix[1] + origin[1] + apix[1] / 2.0 xg = xg * apix[0] + origin[0] + apix[0] / 2.0 indi = list(zip(xg.ravel(), yg.ravel(), zg.ravel())) try: from scipy.spatial import cKDTree gridtree = cKDTree(indi) except ImportError: try: from scipy.spatial import KDTree gridtree = KDTree(indi) except ImportError: return return gridtree, indi
[docs] def mapGridPositions( self, densMap, atom, gridtree, res_map, sim_sigma_coeff=0.187, sigma_thr=2.0 ): """ Returns the indices of the nearest pixels to an atom as a list. Arguments: *densMap* Map instance the atom is to be placed on. *atom* Atom instance. *gridtree* KDTree of the map coordinates (absolute cartesian) *res_map* Map resolution """ origin = densMap.origin apix = densMap.apix x_pos = int(round((atom.x - origin[0]) / apix[0], 0)) y_pos = int(round((atom.y - origin[1]) / apix[1], 0)) z_pos = int(round((atom.z - origin[2]) / apix[2], 0)) if((densMap.x_size() >= x_pos >= 0) and (densMap.y_size() >= y_pos >= 0) and (densMap.z_size() >= z_pos >= 0)): # search all points withing 1.5sigma list_points = gridtree.query_ball_point( [ atom.x, atom.y, atom.z, ], sigma_thr * max(sim_sigma_coeff * res_map, 1.0) ) return list_points else: print('Warning, atom out of map box') return []
[docs] def model_tree( self, list_coord1, distpot=6.0, list_coord2=None, ): """ Finds neighbouring points Returns """ try: from scipy.spatial import cKDTree coordtree = cKDTree(list_coord1) if list_coord2 is not None: coordtree1 = cKDTree(list_coord2) except ImportError: from scipy.spatial import KDTree coordtree = KDTree(list_coord1) if list_coord2 is not None: coordtree1 = KDTree(list_coord2) if list_coord2 is not None: neigh_points = coordtree.query_ball_tree(coordtree1, distpot) # use count_neighbors if the corresponding indices are not required else: neigh_points = coordtree.query_ball_tree(coordtree, distpot) return neigh_points
[docs] def get_coordinates(self, structure_instance): """Returns flat indices of the pixels occupied by each residue in a chain. Arguments: structure_instance*: Structure instance of the model. Returns: Something """ dict_res_CA = {} dict_res_indices = {} dict_chain_indices = {} dict_chain_CA = {} currentChain = structure_instance.atomList[0].chain for x in structure_instance.atomList: if not x.chain == currentChain: try: dict_chain_indices[x.model][currentChain] = ( dict_res_indices.copy() ) except KeyError: dict_chain_indices[x.model] = {} dict_chain_indices[x.model][currentChain] = ( dict_res_indices.copy() ) try: dict_chain_CA[x.model][currentChain] = dict_res_CA.copy() except KeyError: dict_chain_CA[x.model] = {} dict_chain_CA[x.model][currentChain] = dict_res_CA.copy() currentChain = x.chain dict_res_indices = {} dict_res_CA = {} cur_res = x.get_res_no() # save residue coords if x.atom_name == 'CA': # CA coordinates dict_res_CA[cur_res] = [x.x, x.y, x.z] try: dict_res_indices[cur_res].append([x.x, x.y, x.z]) except KeyError: dict_res_indices[cur_res] = [[x.x, x.y, x.z]] if currentChain not in dict_chain_indices: try: dict_chain_CA[x.model][currentChain] = dict_res_CA.copy() except KeyError: dict_chain_CA[x.model] = {} dict_chain_CA[x.model][currentChain] = dict_res_CA.copy() try: dict_chain_indices[x.model][currentChain] = ( dict_res_indices.copy() ) except KeyError: dict_chain_indices[x.model] = {} dict_chain_indices[x.model][currentChain] = ( dict_res_indices.copy() ) return dict_chain_indices, dict_chain_CA
[docs] def get_indices( self, structure_instance, emmap, res_map, sim_sigma_coeff=0.187, sigma_thr=2.0, atom_sel=None, atom_centre='CA' ): """Returns flat indices of the pixels occupied by each residue in a chain. Args: structure_instance: Structure instance of the model. emmap: Map instance the model is to be placed on. res_map: Resolution of the map sim_sigma_coeff: Parameter need for Structure Blurrer. Full explanation :ref:`here<Note on real space blurring:>` Returns: Dictionaries: """ dict_res_indices = OrderedDict() dict_res_CA = OrderedDict() dict_chain_res = OrderedDict() dict_chain_CA = OrderedDict() dict_chain_indices = OrderedDict() gridtree = self.maptree(emmap)[0] points = [] # get chain details currentChain = structure_instance.atomList[0].chain prev_res = structure_instance.atomList[0].get_res_no() prev_resname = structure_instance.atomList[0].res ca_coord = ['', '', ''] for x in structure_instance.atomList: if atom_sel == 'CA' and not x.atom_name == 'CA': continue elif atom_sel == 'AR' and x.res not in ['TYR', 'PHE', 'TRP'] \ and not x.atom_name == 'CA': continue cur_res = x.get_res_no() if not x.chain == currentChain: # uniquify lists for e in dict_res_indices: tmplist = dict_res_indices[e][:] setlist = set(tmplist) dict_res_indices[e] = list(setlist) try: dict_chain_indices[currentChain].update( dict_res_indices.copy() ) except KeyError: dict_chain_indices[currentChain] = dict_res_indices.copy() try: dict_chain_CA[currentChain].update(dict_res_CA.copy()) except KeyError: dict_chain_CA[currentChain] = dict_res_CA.copy() currentChain = x.chain dict_res_indices = {} else: # check dict_CA if atom_centre not found for prev res if cur_res != prev_res: # if not dict_res_CA.has_key(prev_res): if prev_res not in dict_res_CA: try: dict_res_CA[prev_res] = [prev_resname].extend( ca_coord ) except AttributeError: dict_res_CA[prev_res] = [' '].extend(ca_coord) currentChain = x.chain # save residue numbers in order try: if cur_res not in dict_chain_res[currentChain]: dict_chain_res[currentChain].append(cur_res) except KeyError: dict_chain_res[currentChain] = [cur_res] # return indices covered by gaussian blur if res_map is not None: points = self.mapGridPositions( emmap, x, gridtree, res_map, sim_sigma_coeff, sigma_thr) # return indices covered by vdW radii else: points = self.mapGridPositions_vdw(emmap, x, gridtree) # nucleic acids if x.res in ['A', 'T', 'C', 'G', 'U']: if atom_centre in ['CA', 'CB']: atom_centre = "C1'" if x.atom_name in ["P", "C3'", "C1'"]: ca_coord = [x.x, x.y, x.z] elif x.atom_name == 'CA': ca_coord = [x.x, x.y, x.z] if x.atom_name == atom_centre: # x.fullid # CA coordinates try: dict_res_CA[cur_res] = [x.res, x.x, x.y, x.z] except AttributeError: dict_res_CA[cur_res] = [' ', x.x, x.y, x.z] prev_res = cur_res prev_resname = x.res # continue if no indices are returned if len(points) == 0: dict_res_indices[cur_res] = [] continue # get points occupied by the residue if cur_res in dict_res_indices: dict_res_indices[cur_res].extend(points) else: dict_res_indices[cur_res] = points if currentChain not in dict_chain_indices: # uniquify lists for e in dict_res_indices: tmplist = dict_res_indices[e][:] setlist = set(tmplist) dict_res_indices[e] = list(setlist) try: dict_chain_indices[currentChain].update( dict_res_indices.copy()) except KeyError: dict_chain_indices[currentChain] = dict_res_indices.copy() try: dict_chain_CA[currentChain].update(dict_res_CA.copy()) except KeyError: dict_chain_CA[currentChain] = dict_res_CA.copy() if cur_res not in dict_res_CA: try: dict_res_CA[cur_res] = [x.res].extend(ca_coord) except AttributeError: dict_res_CA[cur_res] = [' '].extend(ca_coord) return dict_chain_indices, dict_chain_res, dict_chain_CA, gridtree
[docs] def old_get_indices( self, structure_instance, emmap, res_map, sim_sigma_coeff=0.187, sigma_thr=2.0, atom_sel=None, ): """ Returns flat indices of the pixels occupied by each residue in a chain. Arguments: structure_instance: Structure instance of the model. emmap: Map instance the model is to be placed on. res_map: Resolution of the map sim_sigma_coeff: Parameter need for Structure Blurrer. Full explanation :ref:`here<Note on real space blurring:>` Returns: Dictionaries: """ dict_res_indices = OrderedDict() dict_res_dist = OrderedDict() dict_chain_res = OrderedDict() dict_chain_indices = {} gridtree = self.maptree(emmap)[0] points = [] # get chain details currentChain = structure_instance.atomList[0].chain for x in structure_instance.atomList: if atom_sel == 'CA' and not x.atom_name == 'CA': continue elif ( atom_sel == 'AR' and x.res not in ['TYR', 'PHE', 'TRP'] and not x.atom_name == 'CA' ): continue if not x.chain == currentChain: # uniquify lists for e in dict_res_indices: tmplist = dict_res_indices[e][:] setlist = set(tmplist) dict_res_indices[e] = list(setlist) dict_chain_indices[currentChain] = dict_res_indices.copy() currentChain = x.chain dict_res_indices = {} cur_res = x.get_res_no() # save residue numbers in order try: if cur_res not in dict_chain_res[currentChain]: dict_chain_res[currentChain].append(cur_res) except KeyError: dict_chain_res[currentChain] = [cur_res] # return indices covered by gaussian blur if res_map is not None: points = self.mapGridPositions( emmap, x, gridtree, res_map, sim_sigma_coeff, sigma_thr, ) # return indices covered by vdW radii else: points = self.mapGridPositions_vdw(emmap, x, gridtree) if len(points) == 0: dict_res_indices[cur_res] = [] continue if x.atom_name == 'CA': dict_res_dist[cur_res] = [x.x, x.y, x.z] # get points occupied by the residue if cur_res in dict_res_indices: dict_res_indices[cur_res].extend(points) else: dict_res_indices[cur_res] = points if currentChain not in dict_chain_indices: # uniquify lists for e in dict_res_indices: tmplist = dict_res_indices[e][:] setlist = set(tmplist) dict_res_indices[e] = list(setlist) dict_chain_indices[currentChain] = dict_res_indices.copy() return dict_chain_indices, dict_chain_res, dict_res_dist
# added by aj # get nearest grid indices for a residue atoms
[docs] def get_indices_aj( self, structure_instance, emmap, res_map, sim_sigma_coeff=0.187, sigma_thr=2.0, atom_sel=None, atom_centre='CA' ): """ Returns flat indices of the pixels occupied by each residue in a chain. Args: structure_instance: Structure instance of the model. emmap: Map instance the model is to be placed on. res_map: Resolution of the map sim_sigma_coeff: Parameter need for Structure Blurrer. Full explanation :ref:`here<Note on real space blurring:>` sigma_thr: atom_sel: atom_centre: """ dict_res_indices = OrderedDict() dict_res_CA = OrderedDict() dict_chain_res = OrderedDict() dict_chain_CA = OrderedDict() dict_chain_indices = OrderedDict() gridtree = self.maptree(emmap)[0] points = [] # get chain details currentChain = structure_instance.atomList[0].chain prev_res = structure_instance.atomList[0].get_res_no() ca_coord = ['', '', ''] for x in structure_instance.atomList: if atom_sel == 'CA' and not x.atom_name == 'CA': continue elif atom_sel == 'AR' and x.res not in ['TYR', 'PHE', 'TRP'] \ and not x.atom_name == 'CA': continue cur_res = x.get_res_no() # TODO: this is just added to pass the test, # not sure that's correct at all! prev_resname = x.res if not x.chain == currentChain: # uniquify lists for e in dict_res_indices: tmplist = dict_res_indices[e][:] setlist = set(tmplist) dict_res_indices[e] = list(setlist) dict_chain_indices[currentChain] = dict_res_indices.copy() dict_chain_CA[currentChain] = dict_res_CA.copy() currentChain = x.chain dict_res_indices = {} else: # check dict_CA if atom_centre not found for prev res if cur_res != prev_res: if prev_res not in dict_res_CA: try: dict_res_CA[prev_res] = \ [prev_resname].extend(ca_coord) except AttributeError: dict_res_CA[prev_res] = [' '].extend(ca_coord) # save residue numbers in order try: if cur_res not in dict_chain_res[currentChain]: dict_chain_res[currentChain].append(cur_res) except KeyError: dict_chain_res[currentChain] = [cur_res] # return indices covered by gaussian blur if res_map is not None: points = self.mapGridPositions( emmap, x, gridtree, res_map, sim_sigma_coeff, sigma_thr ) # return indices covered by vdW radii else: points = self.mapGridPositions_vdw(emmap, x, gridtree) if len(points) == 0: dict_res_indices[cur_res] = [] continue # nucleic acids if x.res in ['A', 'T', 'C', 'G', 'U']: if atom_centre in ['CA', 'CB']: atom_centre = "C1'" if x.atom_name in ["P", "C3'", "C1'"]: ca_coord = [x.x, x.y, x.z] elif x.atom_name == 'CA': ca_coord = [x.x, x.y, x.z] if x.atom_name == atom_centre: # x.fullid # CA coordinates try: dict_res_CA[cur_res] = [x.res, x.x, x.y, x.z] except AttributeError: dict_res_CA[cur_res] = [' ', x.x, x.y, x.z] prev_res = cur_res prev_resname = x.res # get points occupied by the residue if cur_res in dict_res_indices: dict_res_indices[cur_res].extend(points) else: dict_res_indices[cur_res] = points if currentChain not in dict_chain_indices: # uniquify lists for e in dict_res_indices: tmplist = dict_res_indices[e][:] setlist = set(tmplist) dict_res_indices[e] = list(setlist) dict_chain_indices[currentChain] = dict_res_indices.copy() dict_chain_CA[currentChain] = dict_res_CA.copy() if cur_res not in dict_res_CA: try: dict_res_CA[cur_res] = [x.res].extend(ca_coord) except AttributeError: dict_res_CA[cur_res] = [' '].extend(ca_coord) return dict_chain_indices, dict_chain_res, dict_chain_CA, gridtree
def _get_map_values( self, structure_instance, emmap, res_map, sim_sigma_coeff=0.187, win=5, ): """ Returns avg map density from voxels occupied by overlapping residue fragments. Arguments: *structure_instance* Structure instance of the model. *emmap* Map instance the model is to be placed on. *res_map* Resolution of the map sim_sigma_coeff: Parameter need for Structure Blurrer. Full explanation :ref:`here<Note on real space blurring:>` *win* Fragment length (odd values) """ dict_chain_indices, dict_chain_res, dict_res_dist = self.get_indices( structure_instance, emmap, res_map, sim_sigma_coeff, ) nz, ny, nx = emmap.fullMap.shape zg, yg, xg = np.mgrid[0:nz, 0:ny, 0:nx] indi = list(zip(xg.ravel(), yg.ravel(), zg.ravel())) dict_chain_scores = {} for ch in dict_chain_indices: dict_res_scores = {} dict_res_indices = dict_chain_indices[ch] for res in dict_res_indices: if res not in dict_res_scores: indices = dict_res_indices[res][:] for ii in range(1, int(round((win + 1) / 2))): try: indices.extend( dict_res_indices[ dict_chain_res[ch] [ dict_chain_res[ch].index(res) - ii ] ] ) except Exception: pass for ii in range(1, int(round((win + 1) / 2))): try: indices.extend( dict_res_indices[ dict_chain_res[ch][ dict_chain_res[ch].index(res) + ii ] ] ) except Exception: pass tmplist = indices[:] setlist = set(tmplist) indices = list(setlist) sc_indices = [] for ii in indices: sc_indices.append(indi[ii]) array_indices = np.array(sc_indices) ind_arrxyz = np.transpose(array_indices) ind_arrzyx = (ind_arrxyz[2], ind_arrxyz[1], ind_arrxyz[0]) dict_res_scores[res] = np.mean(emmap.fullMap[ind_arrzyx]) dict_chain_scores[ch] = dict_res_scores.copy() return dict_chain_scores def _get_indices1( self, structure_instance, emmap, res_map, sim_sigma_coeff=0.187, ): """ Returns flat indices of the pixels occupied by each residue in a chain. Arguments: *structure_instance* Structure instance of the model. *emmap* Map instance the model is to be placed on. *res_map* Resolution of the map sim_sigma_coeff: Parameter need for Structure Blurrer. Full explanation :ref:`here<Note on real space blurring:>` """ dict_res_indices = {} dict_res_dist = {} dict_chain_indices = {} gridtree = self.maptree(emmap) # get chain details currentChain = structure_instance.atomList[0].chain for x in structure_instance.atomList: if not x.chain == currentChain: dict_chain_indices[currentChain] = dict_res_indices.copy() currentChain = x.chain dict_res_indices = {} cur_res = x.get_res_no() points = self.mapGridPositions( emmap, x, gridtree, res_map, sim_sigma_coeff, ) if len(points) == 0: dict_res_indices[int(cur_res)] = [] continue if x.atom_name == 'CA': dict_res_dist[cur_res] = [x.x, x.y, x.z] if int(cur_res) in dict_res_indices: dict_res_indices[int(cur_res)].extend(points) else: dict_res_indices[int(cur_res)] = points # uniquify lists for el in dict_res_indices: tmplist = dict_res_indices[el][:] setlist = set(tmplist) dict_res_indices[el] = list(setlist) return dict_res_indices, dict_res_dist def _mut_make_atom_overlay_map(self, densMap, prot): for atom in prot.atomList: pos = self.mapGridPosition(densMap, atom) if pos: densMap.fullMap[pos[2]][pos[1]][pos[0]] += pos[3] return densMap
[docs] def make_atom_overlay_map(self, densMap, prot): """Returns a Map instance with atom masses superposed on it. Args: densMap: An empty (all densities zero) Map instance to superpose the atoms onto prot: Model structure instance. Returns: :class:`Map <TEMPy.maps.em_map.Map>` instance: Map instance, where Map.fullMap is a 3D grid with the atom masses superposed. """ return self._mut_make_atom_overlay_map(densMap.copy(), prot)
[docs] def make_atom_overlay_mapB(self, densMap, prot): """ Returns a Map instance with atom masses superposed on it. Args: densMap: An empty (all densities zero) Map instance to superpose the atoms onto prot: Model structure instance. Returns: :class:`Map <TEMPy.maps.em_map.Map>` instance: Map instance, where Map.fullMap is a 3D grid with the atom masses superposed. """ densMap = densMap.copy() for atom in prot.atomList: pos = self.mapGridPosition(densMap, atom) if pos: densMap.fullMap[pos[2]][pos[1]][pos[0]] += pos[3] return densMap
[docs] def make_atom_overlay_map1(self, densMap, prot): """ Returns a Map instance with atom locations recorded on the nearest voxel with a value of 1. Args: densMap: An empty (all densities zero) Map instance to superpose the atoms onto prot: Model structure instance. Returns: :class:`Map <TEMPy.maps.em_map.Map>` instance: Map instance, where Map.fullMap is a 3D grid with the atom masses superposed. """ densMap = densMap.copy() densMap.fullMap = densMap.fullMap * 0 for atom in prot.atomList: if ( atom.atom_name == 'C' or atom.atom_name == 'N' or atom.atom_name == 'CA' or atom.atom_name == 'O' or atom.atom_name == 'CB' ): pos = self.mapGridPosition(densMap, atom) if pos: densMap.fullMap[pos[2]][pos[1]][pos[0]] = 1 return densMap
def make_model_grid( self, prot, spacing, ca_only=False, densMap=False, ): if not densMap: densMap = self.protMap(prot, spacing) print( 'WARNING: Use StructureBlurrer.gaussian_blur_box() to blurred a' ' map with a user defined defined cubic box' ) # get flat indices of grid nz, ny, nx = densMap.fullMap.shape zg, yg, xg = np.mgrid[0:nz, 0:ny, 0:nx] indi = zip(xg.ravel(), yg.ravel(), zg.ravel()) gridtree = self.maptree(densMap) currentChain = prot.atomList[0].chain for x in prot.atomList: if not x.chain == currentChain: currentChain = x.chain if ca_only and not x.atom_name == 'CA': continue points, gridpoint = self.mapGridPositions_vdw(densMap, x, gridtree) if len(points) == 0: continue grid_indices = [] for p in points: grid_indices.append(indi[p]) x.grid_indices = grid_indices[:] array_indices = np.array(grid_indices) ind_arrxyz = np.transpose(array_indices) ind_arrzyx = (ind_arrxyz[2], ind_arrxyz[1], ind_arrxyz[0]) densMap.fullMap[ind_arrzyx] = 1.0 return densMap
[docs] def gaussian_blur( self, prot, resolution, densMap=False, sigma_coeff=0.356, normalise=True, filename="None", ): """ Returns a Map instance based on a Gaussian blurring of a protein. The convolution of atomic gaussians is done in reciprocal space. Arguments: prot: the Structure instance to be blurred. resolution: The resolution, in Angstroms, to blur the protein to. densMap: A map instance to use as a template, which sets the boxsize, pixel size and origin. If False, a Map with dimensions based on the protein is generated. sigma_coeff: Parameter need for Structure Blurrer. Full explanation :ref:`here<Note on real space blurring:>` filename: Output name of the map file, if saved. Returns: :class:`Map <TEMPy.maps.em_map.Map>` instance: """ if not densMap: r = min(resolution / 4., 3.5) apix = np.array([r, r, r]) densMap = self.protMap(prot, apix, resolution) print( 'WARNING: Use StructureBlurrer.gaussian_blur_box() to blurred a' ' map with a user defined defined cubic box' ) x_s = int(densMap.x_size()*densMap.apix[0]) y_s = int(densMap.y_size()*densMap.apix[1]) z_s = int(densMap.z_size()*densMap.apix[2]) newMap = densMap.copy() newMap.fullMap = np.zeros((z_s, y_s, x_s)) newMap.apix = (densMap.apix * densMap.x_size()) / x_s sigma = sigma_coeff * resolution newMap = self.make_atom_overlay_map(newMap, prot) fou_map = fourier_gaussian(fftn(newMap.fullMap), sigma) newMap.fullMap = np.real(ifftn(fou_map)) newMap = newMap.resample_by_box_size(densMap.box_size()) if normalise: newMap = newMap._mut_normalise() newMap.filename = filename newMap.update_header return newMap
[docs] def gaussian_blur_box( self, prot, resolution, box_size_x, box_size_y, box_size_z, sigma_coeff=0.356, normalise=True, filename="None", ): """ Returns a Map instance based on a Gaussian blurring of a protein. The convolution of atomic structures is done in reciprocal space. Arguments: prot: the Structure instance to be blurred. resolution: The resolution, in Angstroms, to blur the protein to. box_size_x: x dimension of map box in Angstroms. box_size_y: y dimension of map box in Angstroms. box_size_z: z dimension of map box in Angstroms. sigma_coeff: Parameter need for Structure Blurrer. Full explanation :ref:`here<Note on real space blurring:>` filename: Output name of the map file, if saved. Returns: :class:`Map <TEMPy.maps.em_map.Map>` instance: """ densMap = self.protMapBox( prot, np.ones((3)), resolution, box_size_x, box_size_y, box_size_z, filename, ) x_s = int(densMap.x_size() * densMap.apix[0]) y_s = int(densMap.y_size() * densMap.apix[1]) z_s = int(densMap.z_size() * densMap.apix[2]) newMap = densMap.copy() newMap.fullMap = np.zeros((z_s, y_s, x_s)) newMap.apix = (densMap.apix * densMap.x_size()) / x_s sigma = sigma_coeff * resolution newMap = self.make_atom_overlay_map(newMap, prot) fou_map = fourier_gaussian(fftn(newMap.fullMap), sigma) newMap.fullMap = np.real(ifftn(fou_map)) newMap = newMap.resample_by_box_size(densMap.box_size()) if normalise: newMap = newMap.normalise() return newMap
[docs] def hard_sphere( self, prot, resolution, densMap=False, normalise=True, filename="None" ): """ Returns a Map instance based on a Hard Sphere model of a protein. Usefull for rigid fitting (Topf et al, 2008) Arguments: prot: The Structure instance to be blurred. resolution: The resolution, in Angstroms, to blur the protein to. densMap: A map instance to use as a template, which sets the boxsize, pixel size and origin. If False, a Map with dimensions based on the protein is generated. normalise: Normalise the densities in the :class:`Map <TEMPy.maps.em_map.Map>` instance to 0 mean using :meth:`Map.normalise <TEMPy.maps.em_map.Map.normalise>` filename: Output name of the map file, if saved. Returns: :class:`Map <TEMPy.maps.em_map.Map>` instance: """ gridpx = min(resolution / 4., 3.5) if not densMap: apix = np.array([gridpx, gridpx, gridpx]) densMap = self.protMap(prot, apix, resolution) print( 'WARNING: Use StructureBlurrer.hard_sphere() to create a map' 'with a user defined defined cubic box' ) x_s = int(densMap.x_size() * densMap.apix) y_s = int(densMap.y_size() * densMap.apix) z_s = int(densMap.z_size() * densMap.apix) newMap = densMap.resample_by_box_size([z_s, y_s, x_s]) newMap.fullMap *= 0 newMap = self.make_atom_overlay_mapB(newMap, prot) print(gridpx) newMap = newMap.resample_by_box_size(densMap.box_size()) if normalise: newMap = newMap.normalise() return newMap
[docs] def hard_sphere_box( self, prot, resolution, box_size_x, box_size_y, box_size_z, normalise=True, filename="None", ): """ Returns a Map instance based on a Hard Sphere model of a protein. Usefull for rigid fitting (Topf et al, 2008) Arguments: prot: The Structure instance to be blurred. resolution: The resolution, in Angstroms, to blur the protein to. box_size_x: x dimension of map box in Angstroms. box_size_y: y dimension of map box in Angstroms. box_size_z: z dimension of map box in Angstroms. filename: output name of the map file. Returns: :class:`Map <TEMPy.maps.em_map.Map>` instance: """ densMap = self.protMapBox( prot, np.ones(3), resolution, box_size_x, box_size_y, box_size_z, filename, ) x_s = int(densMap.x_size() * densMap.apix) y_s = int(densMap.y_size() * densMap.apix) z_s = int(densMap.z_size() * densMap.apix) newMap = densMap.resample_by_box_size([z_s, y_s, x_s]) newMap.fullMap *= 0 newMap = self.make_atom_overlay_map(newMap, prot) if normalise: newMap = newMap.normalise() return newMap
def _gaussian_blur_real_space_vc( self, struct, resolution, exp_map, sigma_coeff=0.356, cutoff=4.0, ): import voxcov as vc blur_vc = vc.BlurMap( exp_map.apix, exp_map.origin, [exp_map.x_size(), exp_map.y_size(), exp_map.z_size()], cutoff, ) for a in struct.atomList: blur_vc.add_gaussian( [a.x, a.y, a.z], a.get_mass() / resolution, sigma_coeff * resolution ) full_map = blur_vc.to_numpy() return Map( full_map, exp_map.origin, exp_map.apix, exp_map.filename + "_simulated" )
[docs] def gaussian_blur_real_space( self, prot, resolution, densMap=False, sigma_coeff=0.356, normalise=True, filename="None" ): """ Returns a Map instance based on a Gaussian blurring of a protein. The convolution of atomic structures is done in real space Arguments: prot: the Structure instance to be blurred. resolution: the resolution, in Angstroms, to blur the protein to. densMap: A map instance to use as a template, which sets the boxsize, pixel size and origin. If False, a Map with dimensions based on the protein is generated. sigma_coeff: Parameter need for Structure Blurrer. Full explanation :ref:`here<Note on real space blurring:>` filename: Output name of the map file, if saved. Returns: :class:`Map <TEMPy.maps.em_map.Map>` instance: """ if self.use_vc: m = self._gaussian_blur_real_space_vc( prot, resolution, densMap, sigma_coeff=sigma_coeff ) if normalise: m._mut_normalise() return m if not densMap: r = np.clip(resolution / 4., a_min=1.0, a_max=3.5) densMap = self.protMap( prot, apix=np.array((r, r, r), dtype=float), resolution=resolution ) print( 'WARNING: Use StructureBlurrer.gaussian_blur_real_space_box()' 'to blurred a map with a user defined defined cubic box' ) x_s = int(densMap.x_size() * densMap.apix[0]) y_s = int(densMap.y_size() * densMap.apix[1]) z_s = int(densMap.z_size() * densMap.apix[2]) newMap = Map( np.zeros((z_s, y_s, x_s)), densMap.origin, densMap.apix, 'mapname', ) newMap.apix = (densMap.apix[0] * densMap.x_size()) / x_s, \ (densMap.apix[1] * densMap.y_size()) / y_s, \ (densMap.apix[2] * densMap.z_size()) / z_s newMap.update_header() densMap_apix = densMap.apix sigma = sigma_coeff * resolution newMap = self.make_atom_overlay_map(newMap, prot) gauss_map = gaussian_filter(newMap.fullMap, sigma) newMap.fullMap = gauss_map newMap = newMap.downsample_map( densMap_apix, grid_shape=densMap.fullMap.shape, ) if normalise: newMap = newMap._mut_normalise() return newMap
[docs] def gaussian_blur_real_space_box( self, prot, resolution, box_size_x, box_size_y, box_size_z, sigma_coeff=0.356, normalise=True, filename="None", ): """ Returns a Map instance based on a Gaussian blurring of a protein. The convolution of atomic structures is done in real space Arguments: prot: the Structure instance to be blurred. resolution: the resolution, in Angstroms, to blur the protein to. box_size_x: x dimension of map box in Angstroms. box_size_y: y dimension of map box in Angstroms. box_size_z: z dimension of map box in Angstroms. sigma_coeff: Parameter need for Structure Blurrer. Full explanation :ref:`here<Note on real space blurring:>` filename: output name of the map file, if saved. Returns: :class:`Map <TEMPy.maps.em_map.Map>` instance: """ newMap = self.protMapBox( prot, np.ones(3), resolution, box_size_x, box_size_y, box_size_z, filename, ) self._mut_make_atom_overlay_map(newMap, prot) sigma = np.clip(sigma_coeff * resolution, a_min=1.0, a_max=None) newMap.fullMap = gaussian_filter(newMap.fullMap, sigma) if normalise: newMap._mut_normalise() return newMap
def _bandpass_blur( self, atomList, densMap, lopass, lomin, lowid, hipass, hiwid, ): """ WARNING: BANDPASS FILTERING (NOT WORKING YET) """ raise NotImplementedError def _bandpass_mask_gaussian( self, densMap, lopass, lopass_min, lowid, hipass, hiwid, ): """ WARNING: BANDPASS FILTERING (NOT WORKING YET) """ newMap = densMap.copy() centre = (np.array(newMap.box_size[:]) - 1) / 2.0 from time import time for z in range(newMap.box_size[2]): for y in range(newMap.box_size[1]): for x in range(newMap.box_size[0]): t1 = time() dist = np.sqrt( (x-centre[0])**2 + (y-centre[1])**2 + (z-centre[2])**2 ) t2 = time() newMap[z][y][x] = self.bandpass_eq_gaussian( dist, lopass, lopass_min, lowid, hipass, hiwid, ) t3 = time() print(t2-t1, t3-t2) return newMap def _bandpass_eq_gaussian( self, dist, lopass, lopass_min, lowid, hipass, hiwid, ): """ WARNING: BANDPASS FILTERING (NOT WORKING YET) """ lp_max = lopass + lowid hp_min = hipass - hiwid if dist <= lp_max: return ( lopass_min + (1 - lopass_min) * np.exp(-0.5 * ((dist - lp_max) / lowid)**2) ) elif lp_max < dist <= hp_min: return 1.0 else: return np.exp(-0.5 * ((dist - hp_min) / hiwid)**2) def _bandpass_test( self, lopass, lopass_min, lowid, hipass, hiwid, l_len, ): """ WARNING: BANDPASS FILTERING (NOT WORKING YET) """ from time import time start = time() a = np.zeros([l_len]) for x in range(l_len): a[x] = self._bandpass_eq_gaussian( x, lopass, lopass_min, lowid, hipass, hiwid, ) end = time() print(end - start) return a def make_spherical_mask( self, diameter_pix, box_size, centroid, cos_edge, pixel_size=(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), filename='', reference_map=None, ): # this implementation is slower for small masks in large boxes radius = int(diameter_pix / 2) # check we're not indexing outside limits if centroid[0] - radius - cos_edge < 0: centroid[0] = radius + cos_edge if centroid[2] - radius - cos_edge < 0: centroid[2] = radius + cos_edge if centroid[1] - radius - cos_edge < 0: centroid[1] = radius + cos_edge if centroid[0] + radius > box_size[0]: centroid[0] = box_size[0] - radius - cos_edge if centroid[2] + radius + cos_edge >= box_size[2]: centroid[2] = box_size[2] - radius - cos_edge if centroid[1] + radius + cos_edge >= box_size[1]: centroid[1] = box_size[1] - radius - cos_edge z_ = np.arange(0 - centroid[0], box_size[0] - centroid[0]) y_ = np.arange(0 - centroid[1], box_size[1] - centroid[1]) x_ = np.arange(0 - centroid[2], box_size[2] - centroid[2]) x, y, z = np.meshgrid(y_, z_, x_, indexing='xy') r = np.abs(np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2)) rbins = np.linspace(0, r.max(), int(r.max())) r = np.searchsorted(rbins, r, "right") r -= 1 # delete big x, y, z arrays to help reduce memory usage del x, y, z, x_, y_, z_ gc.collect() mask_soft_edge = np.zeros(box_size) # make a nice cosine edge for n in range(radius, radius + cos_edge, 1): x = (n - radius) / cos_edge x = np.cos(np.pi * x) x = (x + 1) / 2 mask_soft_edge[r == n] = x mask_soft_edge[r <= radius] = 1 if reference_map is not None: pixel_size = reference_map.apix origin = reference_map.origin else: origin = centroid return Map(mask_soft_edge, origin, pixel_size, filename)